How To Reupholster A Sofa: 5 Things You Need To Know

reupholster a sofa

Earlier this week, I talked about why you should choose furniture reupholstery instead of buying something new (hint: sentimental value). There are many advantages of reupholstering, including using what you already have. This becomes your contribution to the environment and goes a long way. Imagine what would happen to the Earth if everyone threw away … Read more

Traditional Fabric Design Ideas to Match Your Unique Look

traditional decor

From farmhouse design to the “grandma” look, traditional decor has been everywhere for the past few years. For most, “traditional design” refers to looks and patterns from the 18th and 19th centuries, but even the early 2000s are now considered “traditional!” But what can you do with the traditional look? For some, this is collecting … Read more

Peaceful By Design: The Hygge Path To Your Cozier, Happier Home

hygge style

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Actually, it’s less us saying it than nature itself saying it. Because, as we slide into the depths of winter, the outside world is giving us a not-so-subtle nudge to burrow in and snuggle up. It’s the time of year that cozy is king. Or, rather, … Read more

Dress Your Home In Cozy Winter Clothes With Rustic Fabric Slipcovers

diy slipcover

Some say the charm of holiday decor lies in its temporary nature. We don’t disagree. But the colder seasons last well beyond the holidays, and changing up all your decor for each holiday is a lot. What if you could take a different approach with a DIY slipcover?  Regular readers of this blog will note an affinity … Read more

How Raggedy Ann and Slipcovers Can Make Your Home Feel New Again

And now for something completely different. There’s a theme that’s been quietly emerging or, more to the point, reemerging as a go-to home interior design style win. And it’s all the more a win because it simultaneously allows you to refresh and reset your home’s vibe without actually having to fully refresh and reset things. … Read more

History Worth Repeating | The Joy Of Heirloom Patterns For Your Home

Furniture shopping can so often feel like some weird version of the movie Groundhog Day with every store seemingly offering the same, cookie-cutter things. It’s enough to make you yearn for a touch of substance, elegance, and timelessness in your home decor. Well… breaking news: heirloom fabrics are back, and we couldn’t be happier about it! … Read more

Vintage Hipster: Retro Patterned Upholstery Fabrics

vintage hipster

Hipstorically speaking, spring is an exceptional time of year to refresh your space. (What’s that, you ask? No, that wasn’t a typo. Hipstorically speaking is exactly what we mean. Stay tuned.) In the spring, the world is bursting with new life, and you start itching to feel the same about your home. For interior design, … Read more

Use Microfiber Upholstery Fabric at Home

When it comes to shopping for furniture like a new sofa or reupholstering an old one, the type of fabric you choose can make a big difference in your furniture’s comfort, durability, and overall appearance. One popular option in recent years is microfiber upholstery fabric. What Is Microfiber Upholstery Fabric? Microfiber is a synthetic fabric … Read more